Alex Hesterberg, CEO at Superna embarks on a captivating exploration of the expanding world of unstructured data and data security trends. The discussion gets fervid as Alex enlightens us about the amplified use of unstructured data platforms in...
Jerome Wendt, President and Founder of DCIG discusses the practical applications of artificial intelligence in data protection and optimization. Uncover how AI can be utilized in ransomware detection, data placement, and increase your understanding...
Zac Cohen, COO and Co-Founder at Filebase dives deep into the benefits of decentralized storage, discussing the crucial role of APIs in the storage industry, data management, and analytics space. We also explore a world without major cloud providers...
Jason Lohrey, Founder and CEO of Arcitecta dives into the world of data management and explore the challenges of managing vast amounts of data. We also discuss the differences between structured and unstructured data, the importance of metadata, and...
William McKnight, President at McKnight Consulting Group discusses the importance of data maturity in achieving digital transformation and the crucial role of data architects in helping organizations become data-driven.