Gerry Gebel, Head of Standards at Strata Identity explores the evolving landscape of identity management and cybersecurity. The conversation delves into identity orchestration, policy orchestration, the importance of access policies, and the impact...
Gabe Gambill, VP Product and Tech Operations at Quorum provides a detailed guide for individuals and organizations recovering from a ransomware attack. He emphasizes the urgent need for immediate action to isolate and assess affected systems. He...
Anish Mohammed, co-founder and CTO of Panther Protocol delves into the use of cryptocurrency in ransomware and data exfiltration, focusing on the traceability of blockchain transactions and the mechanisms for transaction shielding. We also dive into...
Oren Wortman, VP of Cybersecurity Services, NA at Sygnia shares invaluable insights on the pitfalls of incident response and the importance of preparation. He emphasizes the adversarial mindset, where understanding and simulating potential...