In episode 25, Shalabh Goyal and Aaron Morton discuss why enterprises are adopting Cassandra databases and how DATOSiO eases the pain that...
Latest episodes
In episode 24, Jeannie Liou, Shalabh Goyal, and Jeff Marinstein discuss how to solve new data management challenges for cloud and big data...
n episode 23, Jeannie Liou and Shalabh Goyal discuss why data protection for distributed databases is critical to success in this world of...
In episode 22, The Gumbo hosts it 1st debate on Tape vs. Disk with Gerard Nicol and Paul Berndt.
In episode 21, The Gumbo interviews Abdul Altamimi, Founder/CTO to discuss how all data is not created equal and RestorePoint’s Data...
In episode 20, The Gumbo interviews Steve Kenniston, VP of Product Management to discuss how the InfiniBox eliminates performance...