Dimitri Sirota, CEO of BigID provides details on the role that data intelligence plays in data privacy, data protection and also cloud...
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David Boland, Prod Marketing Director at Wasabi Technologies and Randy Hopkins, VP Global Systems Engr at Komprise provides details on how...
Diana Kelley, CTO and Founding Partner at SecurityCurve drops some serious knowledge around ransomware, zero trust architecture, and some...
Sam Roguine, Backup, DR and Ransomware Prevention Evangelist formerly at Arcserve reveals some of the tactics that ransomware gangs use to...
Michael Fraser, Co-Founder, CEO, and Chief Architect at Refactr discusses details on what is DevSecOps and it’s importance, how backup...
Doug Hazelman, Senior VP and Chief Evangelist at CoreView discusses how to keep your Microsoft 365 data secure and protected beyond what...