Mike Wilson, Principal Architect @ NetApp discusses details around hyper-converged infrastructure, virtual desktop infrastructure, and data protection.
Ahin Thomas, VP of Marketing @ Backblaze provides tons of cloud cost containment tips, the most efficient ways to migrate data to the public cloud, and some of the other tools that would be needed for personal or business backup.
Stephen Manley, Chief Technologist at Druva discusses his 3 step program on how to combat ransomware, the merging of applications, cloud, and regulations.
Vladimir Mandic, Chief Technology Officer discusses some of the technology challenges with data protection that you may be overlooking, bringing some clarity while your heads are in the clouds; clearing up some of your cloud misconceptions, and the...
Neeraj Mediratta, CEO of Ace Data Devices and Anuuj Mediratta, Founder/CTO at Ace Data Devices discuss their story on how they built a very successful Backup as a Service Business that is standing the test of time, how tape is still not dead yet and...
Kelsey Hightower, Staff Developer Advocate @ Google Cloud Platform discuss how to protect your Kubernetes data, provides several tips that will make it easier to restore your services, and a few best practices around securing your cloud-native...
Dave Russell, VP of Enterprise Strategy for Veeam discuss backups, availability, and cybersecurity and how to look at all of those aspects from a glass half full perspective. He also dives into how to embrace the cloud more rapidly, infrastructure...
Gijsbert Janssen van Doorn, Director of Technical Marketing of Zerto discusses the importance of replicating your data and how Continuous Data Protection is making a comeback in the market to protect data.
Karl Rautenstrauch, Principal Program Manager of Microsoft discuss some of the big trends around Azure storage, data protection, and much more.
Jagadish Mukku, Technical Director of Robin.io discuss all things Kubernetes data protection from an application workflow orchestration and automation perspective and more.